Health Payment Innovations, Inc

Health Payment Innovations, Inc. provides real-time payment solutions for Healthcare. HPI offers the TiqiPay platform supporting the needs of Patients, Providers, and Sponsors.

Founded in 2019, HPI is born from our personal experience and our experience working in the health care and health insurance fields. Our founders have setup tracking spreadsheets to keep track of reimburesements, EOBs, invoices, and determiniations. We have tussled with insurers over authorizations, over second opinions, over deductibles, and many other indignities of paying for healthcare.

Looking at the teechnology and healthcare landscape in 2019, we decided that new capabilities and new ways of thinking could break through the entrenched practies of this $3,500,000,000,000 industry. Pervasive digital devices + a willingness to think outside the box + a real desire to make the hurting stop = HPI and our TiqiPay solution.